Congratulations! On adding new puppy and its time to get ready to bring your new family member home. What a happy day this will be!!
On this page we will offer you some advice and you will see what your puppy is use to. I am NOT a dog trainer, I am a professional breeder. On this page I offer things have worked for us. For Our Buyers Password Required
Our puppies are raised in our home. We use exercise pens for their safe place. This is what they are use to. Here are two examples of them. When they are not out playing, being held loved on or socializing this is where they are . This is where they sleep. This is their bedroom :0)
Setting up a puppy area at your home similar to ours.
To set up the following exercise pen you will need the following:
Example of what your set up can look like
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All of our furkids including adults eat life's Abundance Click here to order it. We let them self feed. What dose that mean? We keep their food down all the time. We do NOT have a feeding schedule. I believe they should be able to eat any time they want just like us. Some times if you are potty training to go our side or create training this can be a problem. If you are planning on doing this you will need to put them on a feeding schedule. You want to make sure you give them access to food at least 8 times a day in the beginning. That way they will be able to adjust to the of being on a schedule. While adjusting to the feeding schedule you want to take notice and notes of what times they are eating more. That way as you adjust the schedule down you know what times to keep. I would start
I would stick to four times a day until they are about 7 months old then you can go to 3 times a day.
I get asked if you free feed/self feed don't the dogs over eat. My experience has been NO. Not if this is what they are use to.
First lets talk about the create training. It is a good idea? Yes I think it is a great idea once the puppy can hold his/her self for more then a couple of hours. Most the time I recommend doing this at about 5-6 months, unless you can commit to taking the puppy out every 2-3 hours
This is the reason I use the potty grates, also if you are getting your puppy in the cold snowier winter or the hot humid summer who want to be out side for hours waiting on the baby to go potty? NOT me LOL
Most of our babies are using the potty grates before they join their family 99 % of the time while they are in their exercise pens. NO we do not give the puppies free run of the house. If you are having potty issues with your puppy and he/she is having accidents chances are you have given him/her to much room. They need to graduate into getting more room a little at a time. Puppies are just like kids that you are training to potty train, if they are playing they for get where and when to go potty. If a puppy has to much room he/she will for get where to go potty.
When sleeping at night you do NOT want to put your puppy in the bed with you unless you want him/her there all the time. This is can be a very bad habit to start and very hard to stop. If you puppy is crying at nigh when it is bed time you may put his/her exercise pen in your room so he/she may see you. You can also put a blanket/sheet over the exercise pen to make it like a den for him/her. Puppies are den animals they love to be in their den. Also it will help if they have something to snuggle to you can use a stuff animal( they may chew it up) or an old shirt of your as a blanket for them to cuddle to, or you can get a snuggle puppies. I have heard of some puppy parent taking a soda bottle and fill it with really warm water and cover it with a pillowcase or small blanket (something the heat can come through) and place it inside their bed this will make then think that they have company :0)
Potty Grates for exercise pen | Potty Grate Pads | Exercise Pens | Life's Abundance food | Nuvet Vitamins | Item numbers LJ1720 or LJ1723 Fit pretty good into the potty grates these are perfect for the exercise pen potty grates. | The exercise pens in the photos above are the four panel, the eight panel is really tall, in order to get your puppy out of them you have to open the door or take it apart. | Click here to order on line or Call 877-387-4564 Please use my ID Number: 40035554 when calling Life's Abundance directly. | 1-800-474-7044 Order code is 44856. |
Exercise pen: Set up a puppy safe area in your home. This can easily be achieved with an exercise pen purchased at most pet stores. That way when your away from home or just need to have some puppy free time to cook dinner your little one has an area all their own to relax. My favorite exercise pen is made by IRIS. We use smaller one and purchase 2 of them and connect them together
Potty Grate: made to order can take up to 2 weeks sometimes
Dog food: Lifes Abundance and propac puppy chicken and rice mixed.
Vitamins: Nuvet vitamins
Food and Water bowls: we use the plain stainless steel or glass dog food dishes. You may want to purchase a set that comes in a raised stand. This will help your puppy keep from tipping them.
Dog Bed and/or Crate Pad
A crate pad is a nice idea to make things more comfy for your new baby. I use the crate pads pictured to the left. You can use your crate pad as a dog bed inside your x-pen like I do or you may want to purchase a more traditional dog bed.
Leash, Collar & ID Tag
We use simple nylon leads & collars. Have fun with yours, now days it seems you can get collars that look like costume jewelry. You may want something simple to begin with because they outgrow their first collar quickly! Don't forget you ID tag. The big pet stores and Walmart have machines that you can use to make an ID tag while you wait
Dog Chew Toys & Bones
Your puppy is going to want to play & chew! Soft dog toys have always been a favorite of my dogs along with the Kong brand chew toy. Get a few toys but not so many that your pup will be overwhelmed. Try getting things of different texture such as a stuffed animal toy, ball, nylabone or kong and a rope toy. As your dog gets older an uncooked marrow bone from the butcher will be a big hit! Please do not use rawhide or greenies.
Dog Comb and/or Brush, Shampoo & Nail Clippers
I really loveTropiClean Hypo-Allergenic Puppy Shampoo I also really like oatmeal shampoos. Look for something natural without any harsh ingredients.
A dog comb is a must because your new puppy should be brushed daily. You can also get a slicker brush or rake. Brushing your puppy daily whether the puppy needs it or not will continue to keep your puppy used to being handled and groomed.
A pair of nail clippers that are meant for dogs. Puppy nails can be sharp and you will want to keep them trimmed.
Treats & More
Treats can be an invaluable training tool to reward your puppy for good behavior. A very small treat is best. I use Lifes abundance training treats, along with veggies. Always choose natural treats, dye and artificial ingredient free. A very small treat for puppies is appropriate - even one the size of pea works well training. Remember treats are just that - a treat given sparingly and the misuse of them can cause weight problems and a nutritional imbalance. Happy Treating.
Katie -- Be patient with the potty training.
Cara -- Prepare to be home more than usual!! Because you should and you will want to!!
Susan -- They are cuddle bugs and full of love, but don't let that cute face fool you! They will steal your dirty laundry, try to drink your coffee if left unattended, and if you try to catch them they will out run you, making you look silly..... But all these crazy things make puppies fun. Remember with all the hard work they require these puppies will give you 100% of their love. They will be your biggest fan when you come home from a long day and they will never get tired if kissing you. Just make sure you have the time to give your puppy the time and attention they deserve.
JoAnn -- Be consistent, be patient.
Colleen -- If your pup has and discoloration in the corner of hers/his eyes, go on and order a trial kit and follow directions. It works miracles! !! These pups are so smart and loving! And stay looking cute even as adult dogs:)
Colleen Brunelle -- Oops. I mean any. Hahaha
Elli -- Unless you want to buy toys all the time needle and thread on hand is always handy especially for their favorite toys you don't to get rid of.
Deanna -- Have lots of toys for them to play with and learn from; Chammi loves spinach, but after I gave her a piece she started eating my green plants---she is a lot smarter than I am!
Susan -- One more thing.... Before you get your puppy make sure you know what things are poisonous to your dog... Print it out and hang it somewhere. I was shocked to hear that grapes are highly toxic, frank ate a half of one, he was ok, but it could have been bad.
Carol -- Enjoy every minute with your puppy. They are so lovable.
Lori -- We have an exercise pen with room for her bed, food, water, chew toys and her potty grate. If was very difficult the first few nights when she would cry to get out. It just broke my heart but I forced myself to be consistent. After just a couple of nights, she was fine. She stays in there whenever we leave the house and all night and she loves it. Now I never have to worry about her and I know she is safe and sound when we can't be with her. Plus we don't have to worry about potty accidents if we are gone a long time or getting up in the night if she can't hold it. The potty grate works wonderfully.